It’s the holiday season, and I’m stuck indoors, surrounded by way too much food and family. It’s almost unbearable (but in a good way). If I try to escape the food and family by going outdoors, I’m bombarded by a blindingly white snowy landscape. The snow is nothing short of spectacular, it seems to cover everything that is unimportant and directs your attention to things worth looking at. It focuses my attention on what is truly beautiful.
With so much white space outside my window, it makes me sad to see almost no white space on my computer screen.
Website Design has as much to do with what you put on the page as it does with what you don’t put on the page.
White space on a page directs potential customers eyes to what you want them to look at on the page. It shows them what is important, without screaming at them.
A cluttered, poorly designed site is one of the worst things you can do. If you try to emphasize everything, you’ll end up emphasizing nothing. You’ll have a loud, busy website that is difficult on the eyes. This can’t wait to be a good way to start a business relationship.
Just something to consider when you are thinking about your website design and choosing a web designer.