Living and designing websites in Durham, NC has been a blessing and a curse. It’s great to live in a place with great weather, tonnes of business, and large trees shading my little house. But when those large trees drop limbs with an 8 inch diameter on my house when I am away for Christmas, it upsets me. We arrived home from our Christmas vacation to find a limb the size of a regular tree on our roof, and subsequently, a whole in our roof. I quickly patched it up, only to come back inside and find some water damage. Nothing major, but this afternoon, I’m going to have to tear a hole in our knee wall upstairs to make sure it’s dry so as to prevent mold. Not impressed. Thanks Durham. Maybe if I lived in a Raleigh or Cary cookie cutter house in the suburbs with no trees, I could design your website this afternoon. But as it stands, I’m busy.

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